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Women prone to miscarry and anti abortionist/antibirth controlers

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Nikia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 01:31 PM
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Women prone to miscarry and anti abortionist/antibirth controlers
I have a coworker who is remarrying. From her first marriage, she has one child. She also has had eight other unsucessful pregnancies. She does have a diagnosed health problem but plans on trying to have a baby with her new husband anyway. My neighbor next doo in high school had this problem also and had her tubes tied because she could not stand losing her babies. A few years ago, I read a Mother's Day story about how a woman finally had a live healthy baby after having 15 miscarriages/still births. I don't know quite how I feel about these women. I understand that it must be hard for them to want children and keep losing them.
What do Catholic leaders and other Christian sects think about these women though? On one hand, I wouldd think that they'd consider it a sin to keep getting pregnant when one's body only has a small chance (if at all) of carrying a baby to term since they are anti abortion and believe that life begins at conception. On the otherhand, they are anti sterilization/anti birth control. Do they beleive that God those lost pregnancies were not God's plan and that a miracle baby is proof that these women or their partners should not be sterilized or use birth control? Do they feel that sterilization should occurr because it will prevent the loss of more babies lives?
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Raven Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 01:44 PM
Response to Original message
1. I'm not sure where you are going with this but,
I almost lost my first and only child. We were in the Army. I was about 3 1/2 months pregnant and I began to bleed. We went to the military hospital and they said I would probably miscarry but that they would not give me anything to stop it because their experience was that a miscarriage was "nature's way" of getting rid of a child who "would not be right". They sent me home to bed rest. The bleeding stopped and I had a very healthy child.

The Catholic Church's position on this is quite nothing to prevent pregnacy even if you miscarry...let God's will be done. In the Church's view, a miscarriage is not an abortion, it is God's will. In the Church's view, abortion is not right even when the mother's life is at stake. In the Church's view, the mother doesn't really count at all.
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WildClarySage Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 01:54 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I always thought the catholic reason might be
that the baby could be a boy and boys are more important than their mothers (in the church's eyes)

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Nikia Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 02:26 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I just wondered if this was inconsistent
Many miscarriages are due to problems with the fetus. For women who miscarry more than three consecutive times, there is often a susupicion that there might be health problems with the mother. Luckily, many of these problems can be identified and many can be treated. If a woman does have a health problem though that puts her chance of a successful pregnancy at say 10-15%, is it a sin for her to get pregnant and lose the baby? Like I said, I understand the desire to have children and understand that these women go through grief for their lost pregnancies. They are making a choice to try to have a baby. If a woman were getting a treatment or medical procedure done though during pregnancy that put her chances of carrying her pregnancy to term at that percentage, wouldn't the Church condemn her for that? If a woman with many miscarriages, especially if she has a medical problem that cannot be treated or she chooses not to have treated for whatever reason, chooses to be sterilized or use birth control shouldn't that be considered not a sin since she is probably saving her fetuses lives.
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lostnfound Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 02:45 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. The mother DOES count -- if her life is in danger..
it's the only time that abortion IS allowed.

That's what I was taught in Catholic school in the early 70s, at least.
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