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The colors of the US Flag, discuss potential new meanings:

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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 05:00 PM
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The colors of the US Flag, discuss potential new meanings:
In bold is what the colors stand for, with some hush-hush reality behind them:

In the U.S. flag, white stands for purity and innocence.

So when did we lose that, the day before we made the first flag? Or can somebody tell me when we were innocent? We stole land, escaped religious oppression to become religious oppressors ourselves, we escaped tyrany to become tyrants ourselves, we escaped the money we have to pay the king in exchange for paying our corporate kings a lot more (they control America, don't shovel me any shit about the politicians - they're all bought and paid for).

Red represents valor and hardiness.

Generally no argument here, there are a few bad apples in every pot... including those who came up for some of the logos the US military uses. :-)

Blue signifies justice, perseverance, and vigilance.

Well, I'm not sure on justice, but * is proving we'll go to ridiculous lengths to persevere without rational vigilance.

The stars represent the heavens and all the good that people strive for.

Who came up with this crock of crazy cattle cack? Each star represents one state. There is no mythology here.

And the stripes emulate the sun's rays.

Funny way to go about it, this only works when the flag is hanging vertically. That must be why they've done it in Iraq so many times, in Saddam's petty palaces? :shrug:
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Deja Q Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 09:42 PM
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1. Kick
The nauseating Reagan threads buried this one. :-(

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nemo137 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jun-05-04 10:48 PM
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2. well...
if we're looking for new meanings

White could be the purity of our ideals, the fact that, all things considered, we were founded with lofty dreams and have one of the better governing documents to go with.

The red could be either their valor, or the blood shed defending freedom, or if you want to go real revistionist, a recognition of the blood we've shed in our imperialist wars.

The blue I'd want to stay as justice. Again, it's an ideals thing.

The stars and stripes don't need a mythology, they can stay like we learned them in school, one for each state and a strip for the original 13 colonies.
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