known as "Star Wars" or the "Missile Defense System".
This is a system that any scientist or engineer will tell you will never work.
The only people who want it are politicians because it's a good PR tool AND it's probably the biggest pork-barrel EVER in the history of the United States.
Why? Because any missile defense system that is built can be easily overwhelmed by simply throwing more missiles at it than it's designed to handle. They don't even have to be real missiles. They can be fake missiles. They can be old refrigerators shot through the air. It doesn't matter.
Billions and billions of YOUR hard-earned tax dollars simply going into the coffers of big-ass companies who get the contracts to make this system bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger .......
AND it will start another arms race, as countries around the world build enough missiles to out-strip the capabilites of whatever the system currently has.
Thanks, Ronnie! Yeah, you were a real great President!