Edited on Sat Jun-05-04 06:18 PM by acmavm
in this country, he nearly bankrupted us, he felt that AIDS was God's punishment for homosexuality and a pretty nifty way of being rid of them, he did more to promote bigotry and pettiness than any president up to that time, he had no qualms to stooping to a little bit of treason to further his agenda, promoted David Stockman and his voodoo economics, didn't give a shit about the homeless and the hungry, and was just an all around asshole who always told stories of things he personally experience but when pressed could never back any of his big talk with facts. I thought that I hate the man. I was wrong. I didn't understand pure, honest, visceral hatred of a political figure until the year 2000. But Reagan set us up for where we are today, and skated without paying for any of the evil things he did, his bigotry was ignored.
During the Iran-Contra hearings I sort of thought that people would finally understand the truth about how far this man and his party had gone to undermine America. Was I stupid or what?
Having said all that, I will not fall into the trap of saying that I'm glad the guy has finally croaked. In fact, I feel gratitude that he did it now rather than October. But I will not mourn his death. He caused way too much suffering and trouble during the years that he was running the show.