I am a nasty, nasty human being. I'm of the opinion that the vast majority of humanity contibutes absolutely nothing of value except lots of carbon dioxide for plants to breathe. I am the foulest-mouthed person I know of. I spoil movies for other people because I can't stop complaining about how it could have been done SOOOO much better. I expose people to my bizzare tastes in music. I don't put back the DDR mats when I'm done playing. In conclusion, I'm a stupid, arrogant, lazy, irritating, hate-filled little sonofabitch. Everyone who knows me knows it and hates me for it. I hope they hate me enough not to pretend I was some nice, wonderful person after I'm gone. The least they could do is not lie about me. I'm thinking of leaving instructions that my wake should be either a nonstop reading of The Lord of the Rings or a screening of the Rocky Horror Picture Show.
I am a total shitbag, and so was Reagan. At least I (so far) have had the courtesy not to kill people by being a shitbag.
(This post is only a mild exaggeration.)