And if it were Teddy Kennedy, the freepers would say worse.
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Sat Jun-05-04 08:42 PM
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And if it were Teddy Kennedy, the freepers would say worse. |
So forget the crap. Reagan is dead and he finally receives the eternal fate he wrough for his works on earth. This toxic traitor is being tortured in hell by imps right now as we speak ,and for ever more.
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Sat Jun-05-04 08:43 PM
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1. If We Descended To The Lower Evolved Simian Behavior |
Of The Freepers Wouldn't It Be A Case Of "Monkey See, Monkey Do"
I'm better than those yahoos....
Liberal Classic
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Sat Jun-05-04 08:50 PM
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Some kind statments over there after Daniel Moynihan's passing. Some brickbats as well, of course.
I don't see what the fuss is about. We're only human.
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Sat Feb 15th 2025, 05:51 AM
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