Both kinds are really starting to annoy me.
The man was a traitor and a mass-murderer. Now he's not. Does that make me do the happy-dance? No, because the damage he did to my country and my world will last long after today.
On the one hand -- no, we shouldn't be relishing this the same way the Freepers relished Wellstone's death. One, because we're better than they are, blah, blah, blah... but two, like I said -- THE HORROR REAGAN UNLEASHED LIVES ON. The man that died today was not the same man whom I hated -- that man died years ago; this "Ronald Reagan" didn't remember any of that.
On the other hand -- no. I will not show respect. I will not "piss on his grave," I will not go cursing his family as they attend his funeral. But I WILL NOT respect the legacy of a man who caused so much suffering and death in America and around the world.
Be glad if you must, be sad if you must -- but no matter what you feel about this, please remember the most important thing: the millions of people worldwide who were killed, made destitute, and imprisoned because of Ronald Wilson Reagan.
I understand the calls for restraint. Some of the Reagan-bashing has been downright bizarre. I also understand the calls to respect the man's family. Nonetheless, that does NOT mean that one should respect Ronald Reagan or his policies.
Anyway, it all boils down to this. The guy that died today was a sad old man who didn't recognize his family, didn't know who he was. It's kinda sick to celebrate his death. That said, please do not assume that those who do feel some sort of vindication are monsters -- because there are people in this world, PEOPLE RIGHT HERE AT DU who were directly, acutely, and permanently harmed by Reagan. There may be DUers who lost loved ones in the Central American purges. There may be DUers who became impoverished in the '80s. Those who have suffered personal loss due to Reagan's crimes are entitled to whatever feelings they have.
I'm not gonna beg for this or that -- no "please show restraint," no "fuck restraint, I'm glad the bastard's dead." Just that I remembered today why I don't go to GD often. This is a strange and offputting place. ;)
BTW -- mods, you've done a great job today consolidating threads. I'm sure it's been a nightmare. I hope this little poll-thingy doesn't add to the nightmare; but I ask that you don't lock until I can get a general idea of whether I'm alone in this or not -- that both sides have kinda gone off the deep end. :hi: