Every eye in Iraq must be dry at the news of Reagan's passing
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Sun Jun-06-04 02:35 AM
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Every eye in Iraq must be dry at the news of Reagan's passing |
Heck, I'd half expect them to be dancing in the street over the death of the man that armed Saddam with WMD and supported him diplomatically for a decade.
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Sun Jun-06-04 02:56 AM
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I'm not being patronizing when I ask this, but maybe you could find some links to some Iraqi papers that are online (I don't know if there are any) that express this point of view.
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Sun Jun-06-04 03:12 AM
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It is probably very difficult to care when you are thousands of miles away from your family, and home. Have sand in every nook and corner of your body and have bullets flying over your head. Call me Crazy!!
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Sat Feb 15th 2025, 06:45 PM
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