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The Rs tried to put a pig in a poke....

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Skidmore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 07:56 AM
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The Rs tried to put a pig in a poke....
I was overseas for the Reagan years and did not hear much of his speeches directly only of them. I was on the receiving end of his policies at the time so didn't have much respect for the man. However, listening to excerpts from his speeches this morning on various news programs, it is evident to me that that Rove and the crew tried to recreate the Reagan "mystique" and revive those old saws of R policies using a mean spirited, little stooge. Someone needs to inform * that he's no Ronald Reagan, or Winston Churchill, for that matter.
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Vickers Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 08:15 AM
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1. Hey, I might have been doing some of the same things you were...
"I was on the receiving end of his policies at the time"

...ever go to places like Greenham Common, Florennes, Comiso?


Georgie will never be Ronnie: Ronnie was a helluva reader.
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pretzel4gore Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-06-04 08:16 AM
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2. and if truth be known...
neither reagan nor churchill were any real asset to the Race (see KAL 007 and the Lusitania...)
btw churchill was such a bullying supremist while his entire generation of young people grappled with all the bushit of the time it's impossible to imagine what might have happened if churchill had some basic integrity; would hitler have become anything but minor reactionary fool he really was? would stalin have been so relentlessly paranoid (wiping out 1/3 of russian ruling elite, altering the genetics of the russian people)?
anyone knows anything of history knows churchill is burning burning burning in hell (be there such a place, and a god of justice etc)
btw wasn't reagan a suspect in a rape murder (?) while he still in school?
tens of millions of people were murdered while the likes of churchill and reagan were giggling their lil heads off, and they were part of it, the very epitome of the fascist racist mind set that geebush today represents.....
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