Governor Ronald Reagan:
"If there has to be a bloodbath, then let's get it over with." 

James Rector, shot and killed by police
May 15, 1969
A group of four, five or six police in the middle of the block raised their guns to shoot. James Rector saw the policemen aiming at his face. He turned his back and began to run. He was too late. Myself and two other guys lifted his legs so the blood would flow to his head, we positioned him more comfortably and told him to breathe deeply and evenly. It was a near thing: according to the doctor when he reached the hospital, Rector's blood pressure was zero. Desperate, we shouted down at the Avenue: "There's a man shot up here! Get an ambulance!" the cop slowly climbed the stairs to the roof, looked at Rector . . .refused to lend Rector a gas mask, and left.