At least the other stations have some class to cover the D-day activities in Europe. But Faux is straight whoring about their God Raygum. The deaths of thousands of soldiers to liberate millions is just a mere footnote in their programming.
I am a democrat because of Raygum and Shrubya's Southern Strategy..KKK movement. It's funny, today Tom Delay said that whether Wolf Hitler liked it or not...."I am the Reagan Legacy".....that pretty much sealed the deal that I would be Democrat for as long as I lived.
Years from now......when Shrubya kicks the can like Reagan , Faux news will piss on the graves of the brave men and women who served their nation in Iraq, just so they can Idolize Hitler's mini-me Shrubya....
Faux state news is just so disgusting, to piss on those who died for their country but Idolize those , who wouldn't give a squirt of piss about what happened to men who sacrafice for their country. It's all window dressing that they care about troops....It shows what they really care about in their coverage.....pure and utter shit.