Edited on Sun Jun-06-04 01:41 PM by keithyboy
Despite what the pundits are saying about what an aimiable guy he was, in every clip of his political statements you can see a mean-spirited, cowboy-like persona that carried over through right trough Bush/Clinton/Bush. Especially during the Clinton years, the Reagan worshipers felt it necessary to be a mean and uncivil as they could be. This started with the grim-faced Reagan attacks on Carter. Remember, when we were faced with hostage situation where American lives were in danger, Reagan lead the charge of non-support for the President. Where was the patriotic togetherness during those years? From Kennedy through Carter (and even including Nixon) at least America wasn't hated becuase of the public good graces of its leaders. Reagan began the spiraling down of the international admiration and respect for this nation. Clinton did much to restore it but he was hampered and hounded by the still active and powerful Reagan worshipers. Even during the Nixon-Watergate era, I cannot recall the kind of meaness we saw during the Reagan years. Reagan taught us to hate our government. Reagan taught us that we should despise a government that tries to provide social services to its poor and needy using public funds. Reagan taught us to define "anybody but us" as evil. GW is carrying on that legacy with much the same results. The USSR fell of its own weight and would have no matter who was President...a drunken, militaristic nation cannot long survive. We are headed in that direction...drunk with power and hubris(not alcohol) and with a military cabal in place that will eventully suck the life blood out of nation. I'm glad Reagan is dead; I'm just glad he is not President. I will be even happier when Bush is not President!