Nick Berg Conspiracy Theory Three Dot Lounge
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Sun Jun-06-04 06:10 PM
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Nick Berg Conspiracy Theory Three Dot Lounge |
|,1413,101~6295~2195782,00.htmlSome random chips and putts as the millions of dandelions that had carpeted the hideous fairways of Swallow Creek Golf Club and Landfill slowly begin their annual June exit....
Playing nine holes at the Creek is a disturbing enough endeavor under any circumstances. But one day last week Irish Frank spent an entire round explaining to us the numerous anomalies and inconsistencies that surround the now infamous Nicholas Berg beheading video. By the time we took our places at the old "19th hole" picnic table I was convinced that the scary folks who handle "Psychological Operations" in the CIA had, yet again, managed to put one over on the gullible media and the public at large....
Count Ernie Els and me among the group who feel that long or "belly" putters should be banned. Anchoring the end of the putter in your belly or against the upper body effectively removes the difficult management of nervous tension from the delicate art of putting. "I think nerves and the skill of putting is part of the game," Els said. "Take a tablet if you can't handle it." ...
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