This was one of the most moving, eloquent, well-staged D-Day commemoration ceremonies I've ever seen, especially seeing all of the old veterans, the men who endured the unimaginable hell of that day and who saw thousands of fellow soldiers cut down right in front of them while attempting the seemingly impossible, all to free us from the Nazis, grouped together and parading together.
But, damnit, too many of the networks covering it cut right into it for more Raygun bullshit. One even cut into the tribute to the vets and the part of the program showing film of the major WWII events prior to D-Day then the actual films of the invasion itself for nothing more than a continuation of the piling on of more saintly adoration bullshit for him. There wasn't even any real news, it was just more saintly worship.I was so frustrated, and I couldn't believe it.
Goddamn, they'd already saturated the airwaves for the past 24 hours with this Reagan stuff; couldn't they have at least waited a few lousy hours to start in on it again and left the D-Day coverage the hell alone? Didn't the vets and those who endured the hell of that day, the families of those who died, and those who wanted to pay tribute deserve better than that? Reagan never spent one fucking day in uniform, was just another chickenhawk armchair warrior warmongering war romanticizer who spent WWII making training films in Hollywood; he had no fucking clue at all what those men went through, especially since he was safe and sound in la-la land, and it's not as if the orgy grief fest couldn't continue AFTER the D-Day ceremonies. For Christ's sake, we've got at least another week of this shit.
The vets and the families, and those of us who wanted to watch the coverage and pay our own tribute deserved a helluva lot better.