this in his "soapboax" archive on his webpage from back in the day. Hilarious stuff...
VietnamI have a very bad feeling about our incursion into the Kosovo situation. It reminds me so much of the Vietnam experience. The parallels are remarkable. It is a Civil War. It is being fought among a civilian population. We are starting out in a manner which could keep us involved for years to come. The politicians have neither the will nor the stomach to win. We have no clear cut definition of victory. And the list of analogies goes on and on. The Vietnam war was not lost by our military forces, it was lost by the politicians. That war should have been over with before the tide of opinion in this country turned so vehemently against it. What soured this country out on the Vietnam war was the duration. Here was a third world country who played by nobody’s rules and our politicians sent our troops into battle with ridiculous orders about when and who they could shoot. When it became obvious that we had no intention of winning the patience of this country ran out and so did support for the war. I can imagine the same thing happening in Kosovo. I pray that it will not. But if we stay there long enough you can bet your bottom dollar that something will happen to escalate our involvement. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m just as much against the atrocities that the Serbs are committing as anybody is. I think that Milosevic should be castrated with a broken beer bottle, but If we’re going to stop it, let’s stop it. Let’s go in with both barrels blazing, shoot anything in sight wearing a Serb uniform, get the job done and bring the troops home. In the first place Bill Clinton has quietly cut our military forces to the point that I’m not sure we could mount the kind of all out offensive we’d need to accomplish that goal. And God forbid that anything else requiring troops should happen in the world. The same president who refused to serve in the uniform of his country doesn’t seem to have any qualms about sending other folks’ sons and daughters into battle. I don’t know what the answer is but neither does Bill Clinton and he has gotten us into something that is not going to be easy to get out of. Enslaving the Serbs. The feelings go much deeper that we can realize and any pitiful effort we make is little more than a symbolic in gesture. But this administration is big on symbolism and short on substance. So where do we go from here Bill? Do we keep dropping bombs? Do we send in ground troops or do we just tuck our collective tails between our legs and admit to another dismal failure by the United Nations? How are your spin doctors going to handle this one? If American troops are killed, will James Carville go on television and blame it on Kenneth Star? We’re waiting Bill....
What do you think?
God Bless America
Charlie Daniels