He protected us. He saved us from the "commies" and the "nazis" and the "hippies" and the "anarachists". He even put armed national guardmen outside my door. (They didn't want to fight gooks either) Wasn't that thoughtful of him? Right outside my cosy, dopey, trashy Berkeley pad. He was protecting me from the "unAmerican, unwashed, anarchist storm-troopers" marching in the streets trying to prevent me from doing my patriotic duty of going to Vietnam to die for my country. Just like our governor. He fought many battles. He was in many war films. Just like his friend and model John Wayne. He even started talking like him. (Some say Wayne was gay. But we didn't talk about that)
I always liked the way the governor would say cute little things like "If you've seen one redwood, you've seen them all". Or give the finger to a heckler when no one was looking. Except the ubiquitous Berkeley Barb guy with a camera who caught some "special moments." Our governor was wonderful. He moved out of the Governor's Mansion, the White House of California, because it didn't have a pool. He cut our horrible taxes which were wasted on the best educational and highway systems in the world (He raised them back up again soon after. But we don't talk about that). But he definitely raised our tuition. And got "commie" kids killed on Telegraph Ave. He gave us lots of "law and order", as it was called back then. Oh, he was a wonderful governor. He was from Hollywood, you know.