he's closer to being our Rush Limbaugh than our "woodward and bernstein"?? (I thought that woodward and bernstein were considered ours too...)
in "Bowling For Columbine" for instance(s):
He approached the question of why Canada has a lot of guns, yet much less gun violence than the U.S.- when someone suggested that it might have to do with the different racial makeup of the two countries, he tries to claim that Canada's population is just as diverse racially as the U.S., when in fact it isn't, and he actually even says so himself...He says that when he's in Canada, he sees black people, brown people, yellow people, a very diverse mix- he then quotes census figures that show that Canada has a 13% "non-white" population, and therefore they're "just like us." excuse me? 87% white is "just like us"??(and btw- that 13% non-white also includes the many native "eskimo"(?) tribes, inuit and such that still inhabit a lot of northern canada). that's bullshit...they aren't "just like us" at all, racial diversity-wise.
Another thing about Moore is when he does the "surprise visit" thing, like when he tried to get Dick Clark on camera about the welfare-mom who works at a "dick clark's diner" whose son shot a girl, and then seems all incredulous when Clark(who started out by saying they were running late) tells the guy to shut the door and take off...what did Mike think he would do? does he think that Dick Clark is personally involved with the hiring of the staff? or with the restaurant at all for that matter? most likely, he liscenses his name, and it ends there, involvement wise...
and about that little girl being shot, in that part of B for C, Moore is droning on about how all the vulture-like(my word, not his) news media and cameras converged on his "hometown" of Flint when it happened... ummmm, mike? how did you get that footage for your film if not from one of those cameramen who converged on the scene? You may be doing the voice-over, but that's not you interviewing those people on the scene on camera is it? Because you weren't in Flint that day- you may call it your "hometown", but you sure as hell don't live there anymore, do you? So all that footage was stuff that you bought from someone who was there that day, with a camera, to record all the (other) people who were there with cameras to record the event...it just seemed a little odd to me, that's all.
and ending the movie with by leaving the picture of the girl at Chuck's place was definitely a ham-handed attempt at over-sentimentality, to which all i could do was :eyes: