I've been reading Robert Reich's new book, "Reason Why Liberals will Win The Battle for America." I have found it very educational with some of my own occasional disagreement. (Such as: I don't believe that there are large numbers of jobs for, what Reich calls, "symbolic Analysts." I think those jobs are being off-shored almost as much as service jobs.) I decided to take a look at Amazon reviews to see what others were saying. I found the following, which literally turned my stomach. It is so vicious and mean. There seems to be an extremely dangerous thought pattern out there. I would love to hear some comments on this review from other liberals. Thanks! Reviewer: Ross Bartlett
The human race has always given into the what they perceive as the easy way. I saw a movie once where the actor said, "Everyone wanna go to heaven, but no one wants to die." In other words, no one wants to pay the price. Admittedly, for most people, the conservative values are hard to live up to. On the other hand, the liberal way--anything goes--is attractive to most people. Unfortunately, there is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone has to pay, and as the USA moves closer to socialism, and closer to destruction of the American way, as we know it, those who pay will be a small minority at the top of the socio-economic ladder, while the rest hold their hands out for whatever they can get for nothing. I wonder if they will enjoy living like the socialist in Europe. I guess being pretty much anti-American, they can turn to America for help when they need us, and curse us when they don't. Why not, that's part of living in a socialist country, isn't it? The natural man is selfish, greedy, lazy, slothful, and morally corrupt. These characteristics must be overcome by diligent attention to improving on the natural man. There is a passage in the scriptures of one religion that says, "The natural man is an enemy to God." Consider this; way too many liberals, or more appropriately, leftists, fall into one or more of the following categories: atheist, agnostic, socialist, communist, moral deviants, and haters of religion, especially Christianity. Notice that they represent the opposite of what they hate; moral depravity vs. morally clean, and so forth. Great group, huh? It is easy to see why the author says they will win. At least temporarily, after promising their citizens the same things the liberals in this country offer our citizens, the Nazi's won, Stalin won, Jim Jones won, and so forth. For example, look at the Hollywierdos who worship the gods of "Liberalism". Where can you find more alcholism, drug addiction, divorces, sexual deviancy, and deviant children than with the actors who infest Hollywierd. Mr. Reich, you are so correct, but our great grandchildren will never thank you for it.