I thought this was a liberal message board ?
Personally I do not want to come here and see a hundred postings about Reagan. I get enough of that from the unwatchable corporate media. I thought I would be able to come here and get away from all the Reagan coverage.
I was wrong.
I do not want to see any postings about Reagan, none, zip, nada, they do not belong here. One person posted a Reagan message on my board, I deleted it. It was not offensive or anything, I just don't want to see it, or have it on my message board.
I have nothing to say about Reagan, bad or good, I just don't care about him enough to discuss his life or his death. I will not say anything good or bad about him, I just ignore it. I think that is what we should do here, just ignore him and stop filling the board with Reagan threads.
If I owned DU.com I would have just deleted ALL the Reagan threads. Or maybe set up a forum for Reagan postings so the people that wanted to see them could have without turning GD into a nightmare full of Reagan threads. I am a little surprised at the freeper type insults about Reagan here, but when you have a public message board you get the good and the bad from the public. I also suspect some of the negative threads were posted by freeper plants to make us look bad.
That's my worthless board filling rant for the day, lol.