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1980: the year the USA "Jumped the Shark."

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Tyler Durden Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 07:35 AM
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1980: the year the USA "Jumped the Shark."
We had a strong, smart man as President (James Carter).
We had not cratered to the Hostage takers in Iran.
Out of a horrific world-wide recession, we were learning the hard lesson of living within our means.
We weren't at war with ANYONE: the first presidency that this had happened since before FDR.

It was beginning to look like we might break the mold and last a few decades longer than the Golden Age of Greece, the Roman Republic, the British Empire, and so on throughout history.

Then came Reagan.

We were standing at a crossroads, one fork leading to a better future, one fork leading to the birth of the Neocons.

Guess were WE went. STUPID.

Thanks, Ron. Our "Sulla" didn't cross the Rubicon and enter Rome at the head of his legions, OURS rode in on a horse dressed in his favorite outfit from "Death Valley Days."

Future generations will laugh hysterically, if they aren't weeping.
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Tyler Durden Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Jun-07-04 08:38 AM
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1. Excuse me, for I must vomit.
There is a Neocon here at work who has pinned up a full color picture of Reagan draped in black. He is almost in tears half of the time. Reagan was his hero, and he'll tell you that if you stand still for 1 second within 10 feet of him.

DAMN Reagan. We as the left have forgotten out past:

"Raise HELL!" (Mother Jones)

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