Ahhh, freepers are at it again. And they get called out for it:
http://www.grandforks.com/mld/grandforks/news/8834070.htmOnline activists defend freeping's ethics
While Grand Forks City Council candidate Scott McNamee's recent poll-stacking stunt has outraged some, others are outraged at the outrage.
His defenders, including members of the FreeRepublic.com Web site that he frequents, said there is nothing wrong with organizing people to overwhelm online polls, an activity known as "FReeping" after the Web site.
That's just what McNamee did a week ago when, posing as someone close to the candidate, he asked FreeRepublic.com members, FReepers, to vote for him on the online poll of Grand Forks radio station KNOX 1310's "Voice of Dakota" talk show.
That's not unethical, McNamee's defenders say, because online polls are unscientific, and no one takes them seriously. Besides, they say, liberal activists do it, too, so conservatives such as McNamee and his FReeper buddies are only returning the favor.
The evidence was a link to a discussion board at DemocraticUnderground.com, the liberal's answer to FreeRepublic.com. One group member, "slor," explained poll stacking, which is known as DUing for DU members: "If a poll result might influence even one person from supporting these idiots in charge, then I have no qualms with it."(more)