How to respond to the "Win one for the Gipper" types.
Although I disagreed with Reagan on nearly everything, his foreign policy was much more realistic than what we have now. His rhetoric was aggressive and war like, but in reality Reagan did with the communists what we have all been saying Bush should have done with the Arab world. Ruin them economically. Reagan outspent them on defense, we could do it in the Middle East by becoming energy efficient through alternative fuel. Reagan was also much better at compromise and negotiation when it came to foreign affairs. Reagan sat at the head of the table of nations, Bush won't even pull up a chair.
Reagan would NEVER have gone to war in Iraq. Conservatives know better. Bush is not a conservative, he's a neocon...big difference. When I look at the mess in Iraq, I miss Reagan too. So many wasted lives.
And don't even get me started on stem cell research.