What have the Freepers to say about Kerry's remarks on Reagan's passing
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Mon Jun-07-04 11:39 AM
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What have the Freepers to say about Kerry's remarks on Reagan's passing |
I will not go to their site so don't have a clue but I know a lot of people here love to torment themselves with the Freeper mentality. I am curious though how they try and twist Kerry's words into something poisonous. Kerry and Bill Clinton have both demonstrated an incredible amount of Class and Dignity. How was it received among the hateful?
(218 posts)
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Mon Jun-07-04 11:40 AM
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1. Yes, we are truly blessed that we have no hateful |
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Mon Jun-07-04 11:43 AM
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That sure answered my question didn't it? |
I would imagine you are one that spends a good amount of time there.
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Mon Jun-07-04 11:53 AM
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5. Never been there my friend. |
It has been my experence in my long life, that extermists of all stripes can be pretty hateful.
Renew Deal
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Mon Jun-07-04 11:43 AM
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It's really hard to believe that Bushler is pResident when you see Clinton speak.
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Mon Jun-07-04 11:45 AM
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3. some are commending him, others bash , same as here |
there are some who say kerry's statement was nice. there are others who bash him for anything he does. the more reasonable ones say that they may not like kerry but his statement was nice or it was the right thing to do.
Walt Starr
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Mon Jun-07-04 11:46 AM
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4. As a grave pisser, I've got nothing against what Kerry has said |
about Reagan, although I will say suspending his campaign for the national Republilovefest was a brilliant political move, IMO.
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Thu Feb 13th 2025, 07:56 PM
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