Last time I was on DU, Tenet and Pavitt were resigning from the CIA and there was a large contingent of people here guessing that the Bush Misadministration would create a distraction, an early 'October Surprise' to take away the attention from a pending crisis.
Lo and behold, the Gipper is gone! Gone also is the media scrutiny of Rethuglican misdeeds, instead we get an entire week of praise for a man our liberal media tells us 'won the Cold War'. Commentators of a more conservative bent make pleas for 'unity', apparently forgetting the lessons they tried to teach Democrats when Paul Wellstone was killed.
So, any links to good threads about this peculiar coincidence? Anyone know when they will perform the autopsy or if they already have? They have to before they ship his body to D.C. I believe California law requires it if he didn't die in a hospital. Not that that stopped them where it concerned JFK.
Fire away, tinfoilers!