First, I'm not dancing on Reagan's Grave, I hope he found peace and his family as well having to watch him suffer all these years of Alzheimer's disease.
Second, we all know that the RW, will go on to politicize Reagan, deify him, and Bush will figuratively and metaphorically wrap Reagan's body around himself like a sick form of animism, while we all watch the scepter being passed from Reagan to GW on TV.
I was growing up in the 1980's, MTV, bad hair, and transformers.
I remember the sick feeling I got when I heard that we invaded Grenada, I remember the nausea I felt when we bombed Lybia. I remember my father being laid off and out of work for long periods of time because Reagan's tax cuts, and deregulatory policies. I remember the fights between my parents because of money problems. I remember Reagan saying that government is the problem, while learning in school that WE the American Citizen's ARE the government.
I remember watching Iran-Contra, watching my the Administration lie to it's people about Bush and Reagan's involvement, thinking WHY is Reagan not taking responsibility as he did in Beirut for the truck bombing.
The only good thing I remember is seeing the Berlin Wall come down and the Iron curtain fell, I give Reagan some credit, but not all, there was a long line of presidents before him that have their hands in it as well.
These are some of the personal things I remember, please add yours.