Are we gonna officially dedicate June "Reagan month"?
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Mon Jun-07-04 01:40 PM
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Are we gonna officially dedicate June "Reagan month"? |
Or maybe we'll just change the name of the month to "Reagan"
I figured by Monday all the Reaganmania would be over. ;-) Guess not :-)
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Mon Jun-07-04 01:49 PM
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1. It won't be over until he's in the ground. |
Then Clintonmania will take over.
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Mon Jun-07-04 01:49 PM
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2. Oh no, they won't let this go very easily. |
I've just resigned myself to turning off the TV for a good while. At least this whole week. Well, I have to admit I've watched snippets here and there about his old movie days because I've never seen a movie or commercial with him in it. My mom always told me he was in "B" rate movies. I turned on the TV today and switched from CNN to MSNBC then to c-span hoping to get some other news but I couldn't get away from it so I've just turned the TV off for now.
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Mon Jun-07-04 01:50 PM
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3. The nonstop campaign commercial will run for MONTHS |
Thats why the Imperial Family sent one of their ex-spook friends in to shut off his feeding tube or do whatever they ultimately did "to help him over to the other side", where he can be used as Hitler used Horst Wessel.
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Mon Jun-07-04 01:55 PM
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4. Oh God Please Don't let that Happen. |
June 23rd is my birthday and I hope this is over with by then. And if they change June to Reagan I will have to change my B-day to July 23rd. : )
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Mon Jun-07-04 02:00 PM
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5. This ReaganMania is NOT going anywhere |
There will be a coin changed, probably the dime...
There will be more places renamed after him...
There will be weeks of tearful tributes for him...
Turn of the TV news for a couple or three months if you do not want to spit up. Not that there was all that much to there hear anyway.
Liberal Veteran
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Mon Jun-07-04 02:17 PM
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6. Gay Pride month and Reagan month in the same month? |
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Mon Jun-07-04 02:20 PM
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8. Think of the irony though |
Reagan, second biggest homophobe on the planet (Phelps is worst), having to share his month with you "damned sodomites".
He'll be spinning in Hell at just the thought :evilgrin:
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Mon Jun-07-04 02:19 PM
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7. the Reagasm will continue for months, maybe years |
it'll climax, so to speak, on Friday when all non-"national-security" gov't personnel get the day off for a "National Day of Mourning."
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