systems. Let 'em have their orgy. Let 'em self-flagellate all week. All MONTH, for all I care.
The IMPORTANT thing about this is - it's gonna be over and done with by the time the Democrats start their convention. I was worried, earlier this year, that Reagan's death would happen, or "be timed" to conflict with the Democratic Convention and deny Kerry his coronation and polls bump. After all, guess what any of our "respectable" news outlets would switch to, if they had a choice between following the convention and the "Reagasm" - as another DUer has called it. This way, it's all over in one huge tsunami, and it's THOROUGHLY behind us by the time the Dems gather in Boston. It's DONE! It'll all be over with!
Think of this - what if it had happened even later in the year? More toward the republi-CON convention - or worse yet, the last week or so in October - when bush could well be expected to cash in on some sympathy votes?
No-no-no-no-no - FAR better that it happens now. Let's get on with it, and get it over with. There are LOTS of good movies to go see this week, by the way. And good video rentals, too. Plus, maybe some nice family/friends time? Fitness time? Clean out the chicken coop time? Help the pet snake change his/her skin time? Zit-popping and exfoliating time? Hyperbaric oxygen chamber time? I can think of hundreds of good things to do instead of watching the news all week. Maybe a week-long I'm-getting-drunk-on-DU fest. I'm gonna enjoy it, myself.