Does this seem fishy to you?
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:54 PM
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Does this seem fishy to you? |
On my way to buy lunch today a guy asked me if I'd like to help get Bush out of office. Naturally, I stopped to see what his deal was. He claimed to work for the DNC. He was wearing a DNC button and had a clip board with a petition form with a DNC logo at the top. I started to sign the petition thinking that I'd be sent more info and probably a donation request in the mail. However, this guy started asking me for money right there on the spot. I told him that I didn't have money to contribute right then and there--which I didn't--but that I'd be glad to mail in a contribution. He ripped off a little piece of paper and wrote and address on it where I could send money. Does this sound kinda fishy to you?
Walt Starr
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:55 PM
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1. ::::sniff...sniffffff::::: |
Yup, smells like a 45 day old Cod to me.
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:55 PM
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2. You should have ripped off a piece of paper yourself |
And said "Why don't I write you a cheque?"
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:56 PM
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We might be able to find something from a reverse look-up.
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:57 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
5. Exactly, post the address of the Freeper PO Box |
Let the DU Researchers have at it!
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:58 PM
Response to Reply #3 |
7. I threw it away, unfortunately. |
The fact that he gave me a dinky piece of ripped paper rather than a business card or something made me very suspicious--on top of everything else.
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:56 PM
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4. You might be in a state where they have paid petition solicitors. |
Edited on Mon Jun-07-04 03:57 PM by AP
And this guy might be trying to get paid a little more.
Ie, the petition is cool. But he doesn't care much about the subject matter.
What was the address?
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Mon Jun-07-04 03:57 PM
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He ripped off a little piece of paper and wrote and address on it where I could send money.
No card, no envelope to give you?
I would see if the Address is legitimate, and contact the DNC in any event to express your concerns so it doesn't happen to someone else.
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:01 PM
Response to Reply #6 |
8. That's what I should have done... |
...but I was so annoyed that I threw the address away. This guy stopped me on my lunch break. When I heard the words "...kick Bush out of office" I decided to stop for this guy only to get this nonsense. I wish I'd kept the address.
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:01 PM
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9. Call the DNC and ask them if they are circulating petitions and |
if so, if the volunteers are authorized to ask for money.
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:03 PM
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see if this guy is with them.
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:04 PM
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11. somebody in my neighborhood was doing that |
said: want to help get Bush out of office?
I answered: thanks. already working on that.
and kept moving... i have no $ for donations, esp. to someone on the street....
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:14 PM
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when I was in college I had acquaintances who when they needed a few extra bucks would go door to door for some made up charity or such. So, it does happen.
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:15 PM
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13. Your story sounds fishy |
You know enough to feel that this may have been "fishy", but you threw away the piece of paper with his address?
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Mon Jun-07-04 04:18 PM
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14. Doesn't the DNC have to keep track of donors? |
Candidates do, I know that. Don't political parties as well? (It's been a VERY long time since I've donated to the DNC and it'll probably be a very long time til I ever do again.)
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Thu Feb 06th 2025, 10:16 AM
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