In a new voter survey: "If the election were held today"
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Mon Jun-07-04 05:39 PM
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In a new voter survey: "If the election were held today" |
95% would be really surprised.
Good old Weekend Update material.
Seriously. Polls are a snapshot so who cares what WOULD happen IF such and such happened?
I just want to see Kerry pick a running mate soon so that guy can start being a pit bull and attacking Bush/Cheater relentlessly.
Maybe right after the post-coital glow from Reagan worship...he can zing them with his veep choice.
In the meantime, I can't help but think we need to get some more Abu Ghraib pictures and videos out the public.
I believe we need to find out who Cheney's buds were in the secret energy task force. I think we need to know who is outing CIA officials.
I can't wait to see it Tenet is like the 5th departing Bushite in a row to slam the administration with accusations of mismanagement.
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Mon Jun-07-04 05:44 PM
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1. Where can we get more Abu Ghraib pics? |
I hear they've posted more graphic one in Europe. I think people are forgetting just what a travesty this was.
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Mon Jun-07-04 06:03 PM
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2. I don't know where they are...but COME ON! it's like the Dems rolled over |
again. they of course tut-tutted and said they were much worse than they could ever have imagined...inhuman, etc.
but the kicker is they agree with the repukes that this is "wildfire" and they can't dare let the plebes get ahold of this or the entire world will come crashing down.
I just hope the dems have some soft copies around on numerous PCs and are planning to leak them later in the summer.
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