MSNBC Analyst Ron Reagan Jr. Accuses Bush of “Dementia”
Media Research Center ^ | 1-29-04 | Medial Reseach Center
Posted on 01/29/2004 5:10:59 AM PST by FlyLow
Ron Reagan Jr., on MSNBC Tuesday night, sure dispelled the notion of anyone who assumed that he is any kind of conservative of friend of a Republican President. Just past 11pm EST, Reagan, whose father suffers from Alzheimer’s disease, suggested that President George W. Bush has “dementia.” Reagan, whom MSNBC brought aboard to stand in front of a national map in order to discuss upcoming primaries, commented about how David Kay concluded that “Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction.” Reagan then sarcastically asked: “What does George W. Bush say? ‘Well, I still think they had them.’ That’s not just spin. That’s dementia, you know.”
Reagan, a veteran of Fox News in its pre-FNC days, stood in front of the map, with a fire going in a fire place behind him, and commented a couple of times an hour about where the Democratic candidates may next battle it out. Just past 11pm EST, he opined on another topic: “You were talking about who’s the best person to beat Bush. And one thing that you might want to consider is that politics is a contact sport. And if you ask any NFL player, they’ll tell you it takes weeks to get used to the contact. So all these guys are out there, and they’re getting tough. They’re taking shots, and they’re getting back up again. George W. Bush, on the other hand, is sitting in the Oval Office and he’s getting soft. Now, what happens when you go in the Oval Office is you start living in a bubble, you know, you don’t read the paper anymore, you just listen to who you want to listen to. And we’re seeing that now. David Kay, for instance, comes out with a report and says Iraq never had weapons of mass destruction. What does George W. Bush say? ‘Well, I still think they had them.’ That’s not just spin. That’s dementia, you know. So I don’t get this. I’m a little angry about this. Forgive me. It looks like my pants are on fire, by the way, I’m so angry here, but it’s not true. It’s just an optical illusion for those of you who might be concerned or perhaps hopeful.”<snip sure to click on the link and check the replies, to funny!