i guess the old adage about waiting till the body's at least cold to criticize the dead is true. because it's four days now since ron left this earthly veil of tears and the awful truth about his whole lie of a life is coming out, not on the t.v. machine, but the internet machine.
while idiot politicians on the rupublican side chant 'shining city on the hill', 'morning in america' bullshit and trip all over each other trying to name the most things after him, columnists and journalists with more than half a brain are telling the nasty truth about this awful, smiling man.
today i've read at least a dozen articles with unflattering and scathing remembrances of the REAL ronald reagan.
so we must conclude that there were at least three distinct ronald reagans. the happy, charming lovable grandfather, the hugely popular but extremely evil figurehead of a gang of thugs, or, the newest incarnation, the dead and reinvented reagan. remember how elvis's fame and mystique grew a million fold after his departure.
reagan helped some of us develop a nasty attitude long ago to counteract the reagan revolution insanity. but we who hated him, and we who are stupid enough to say it, we know what motivates our revulsion of this handsome smiling affable nazi. and the colder he gets down there where the dead remember, the worse the stink will get.
because of reagan, there are TWO americas. the ignorant lie swallowing conservative america, and the america that sees through lies. that's us.