And you are more than welcome. :)
Most relevant to your question is this first article, which will give you all the information (and ammunition) you're looking for:
The Cameron Group's "Gay Obituary" Study
Cameron, Playfair, and Wellum (1994) counted obituaries in various gay community publications and claimed to be able to use them to calculate the average life expectancy for homosexuals.
Their conclusion – that homosexual men and women have a shorter life span than heterosexual men and women – provides a textbook example of the perils of using data from a convenience sample to generalize to an entire population. ...
Obituaries in gay community newspapers do not provide a representative sampling of the community. This is evident in the fact that only only 2% of the Cameron group's obituaries were for lesbians. Moreover, community newspapers tend overwhelmingly to report deaths due to AIDS (only 11% of Cameron's gay male obituaries were not related to AIDS). In addition, community newspapers tend not to print obituaries for people who are not actively involved in the local gay community, those who are in the closet, and those whose loved ones simply don't submit an obituary to a local gay newspaper.
The Cameron group's gay obituary study reports many numbers and statistics. However, they are absolutely worthless for estimating the life expectancy of gay men and lesbians. ...
Here is the one long, ugly (and infamous) "study" of Cameron's, courtesy of WARNING: It is revolting.
If you can't stomach that, there are numerous quotes from that paper, as well as those cited by far-right sites, reproduced here: few examples:
Causes of homosexuality include: "sex with animals"-, What Causes Homosexual Desire and Can It Be Changed?, By Paul Cameron, Ph. D.
"At the 1985 Conservative Political Action Conference, Cameron announced to the attendees, 'Unless we get medically lucky, in three or four years, one of the options discussed will be the extermination of homosexuals.' According to an interview with former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop, Cameron was recommending the extermination option as early as 1983." - Mark E. Pietrzyk, News-Telegraph, March 10, 1995.
"33% ingested feces via anal/oral contact"-Paul Cameron quoted at
"a large minority of gays engage in torture for sexual fun. Sex with minors 25% of white gays admitted to sex with boys 16 or younger as adults" - Paul Cameron quoted at
From the same site, a page citing various anti-gay (mostly religious) organizations that cite Cameron's "data" to further their own anti-gay agenda: also says we regularly ingest urine and faeces, and that gay parents regularly molest their children.
Cameron also wants:
homosexuality outlawed;
gay people tattooed and/or banished to the former leper colony on Molokai;
gay men castrated;
isolation of all AIDS patients... among other things.
He also praises AIDS as a "godsend."
Finally, about Cameron himself:
I. Cameron was expelled from American Psychological Association.
A. Date of expulsion: 1983 (Los Angeles Times-2/22/1993).
B. Reason for expulsion: "He was misrepresenting and distorting other peoples' psychological research and using it to sensationalize his point of view on homosexuals. He talks about homosexuals being mass murderers and child molesters and credits other people for those findings. If you read their research, they have in no way made such claims. We have letters from those researchers saying his (work) has distorted their research." Natalie Porter, assistant professor of psychology at University of Nebraska. (LA Times-8/20/1985). ...
This last one is long, but extremely revealing, and well worth your time:
Paul Drummond Cameron, a born-again Christian, was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania on November 9, 1939 (1). After attending schools in California, he received his doctorate from the University of Colorado in 1966. ...
By 1985, "The Advocate," this country's most prominent gay and lesbian
newsmagazine, was already warning that he "just may be the most dangerous antigay voice in the United States today."
Since then he has touted himself as an expert on homosexuality, and his research has formed the basis for much of the anti-gay material being used today by conservative organizations around the country to combat the gay rights movement, including "The Gay Agenda," a widely disseminated videotape. ...
His main message, as delineated in one of his pamphlets, "What Homosexuals Do, Its More than Merely Disgusting," is that homosexuality is a crime against humanity. He regularly refers to gay men as "anus-lickers" and "feces-eaters" without shame.
A typical idea is his "Citizen Checklist of Opportunities to Halt the Spread of AIDS," which he developed in the 1980s. Among his recommendations were to keep discussion of "alternate lifestyles" out of schools; close gay bars and bath houses; prohibit homosexual advertising in the media (including "personals" ads); criminalize homosexual practices (in the interest of public health); and quarantine all known homosexual practitioners "until the public health emergency is over." He compared AIDS to rabies. ...
Best of luck, eeyore! If you ever need help debunking any more anti-gay lies, just holler. I've got literally thousands of resources on hand.
And by the way: THANK YOU for helping to re-educate some sadly misinformed people out there. I know I speak for my LGBT family when I say we appreciate it. Sincerely.