Off the top of my head! Feel free to use these to letter onto the Reagan $10.00 by hand or make rubber stamps to do it.
President Bush is COUNTERFEIT! (do that last word in really big letters)
This bill was used to buy drugs!
Donate this bill to the DNC!
In Ron We BUST!
This bill was used to buy diapers for Ronnie!
100% RR's Recycled DEPENDS!
He's DEAD, Jim!
Nancy wiped Ronnie's bum with this note!
Sick Transit, Gloria money!
Just say "BROKE!"
Bush snorted COKE with this bill!
Republican CRYING TOWEL! (pic of elephant)
Democratic TOILET PAPER! (pic of donkey)
Only Bill from Ronnie I ever had USE for!
10 more of these = half a tank of GAS!
BONZO BUCK (good for one Federal screw)
Ketchup is a vegetable and this buck is LETTUCE!
Stick this in your dick and PISS IT AWAY like Bush did!
This bill = $0.50 Courtesy of Reaganomics!
The REAL Reagan's green by now, TOO!
Keep this bill in your back pocket and FART often!
CAUTION! Republican CUM RAG!
STOLEN!!! Not the bill, stupid... the government!
Give this bill to a homeless person! (it's the first thing they've got from Ronnie!)
Anyone else want to come up with good stuff to write or stamp on those $10.00 bills? Feel free to add your thoughts!