Edited on Wed Jun-09-04 12:40 AM by historian
In essence they claimed that everything wrong with this country can be blamed on radical leftist pinko commie faggots etc... This was the answer i sent. I am writing this because I take exception to certain innuendoes in your article regarding patriotism. You are claiming that american values and principles are worth fighting and dying for, yet in the same breath you repudiate your own claim. If a citizen does not wish to recite the pledge of allegiance (the usa is the only country in the world demanding this particular type of brain washing from their children), does not wish to use the terms under god, decides to question or criticize the government, he is merely exercsing his right to free speech which, according to you, is one of the principles the world admires america for. You futher imply that a belief in god is not a subjective matter but is an imposed belief. If I am not mistaken, the constitution states very clearly that all citizens are free to worship and believe according to their own desires and that church and state should be kept separate. America's claim to being a melting pot and refuge from oppressive regimes is, according to your own statements, a farce since atheists, jews, muslims, buddhists and pagans who will not bow to your version of a god, are second class citizens. Let me remind you that your version of patriotism was one exploited with great success by the likes of Hitler. Unquestioning obedience and loyalty to the ruling powers lead to dicatatorships and inevitable disasters. It was jefferson himself who declared that to keep a democracy alive, a revolution was needed from time to time. Dont forget that if it hadnt been for the french revolution, the american revolution might not have occurred either. These revolutions were started by the exact same type of people you are now condemming - those who questioned and acted accordingly. As to your statement of veterans being true patriots. Perhaps they once were but as their treatment by the government so shamefully shows, many of them are unable to face the fact that their sacrifice was probably useless and so cling to patriotism as a drowning man does to a piece of floating wood. A good example of this shameful disregard for the veterans is this current administration. Funds are being cut, troops have to buy their own protective jackets, relatives have to send them food. Families left behind have to deal with additional expenses and less income and help is non existent. Not to mention the stark hypocrisy of our awol leader who is so busy extolling the virtues of the veterans whose lives he is ruining by denying them funds. You also attempt to portray the true patriot (one who truly loves his country and what is stands for) as a leftist radical out to destroy the country. Nothing is further from the truth. Those who cry out in the wilderness about the horrors we instigate on others are immediately labeled as something unsavory who should be stamped out. You claim that self criticism is a virus destroying the country. On the contrary, it is a healthy attitude which keeps our liberties alive and intact from the likes of the fascists we currently have ruling our country. As to the illegal and profit motivated acts we have undertaken in other countries, causing death, misery and poverty which you claim are inventions of those who seek to destroy this country, you demonstrate an appalling ignorance of history. The sinking of the Maine was used as an excuse to start a war with spain and take over cuba and the phillipines. We stole land from mexico and killed the indians. Guatemala was subject to severe government oppression, with our blessing, so that the united fruit company could continue to exploit the workers in the banana crop. We have overturned legitametly elected governments in Iran, Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Greece, Paraguay, Nicaragua and Panama ( to name but a few) and replaced them with murderous thugs who, with the blessing of the cia and the president (yes even the adored reagan is guilty of authorizing death squads in central america) terrorized, killed, reduced to poverty and instilled fear in the occupied countries only because it suited our needs. How would we purchase cheap shoes if someone else was not being exploited? Lastly, since you are so fond of declaring the USA as being a christian nation, i would appreciate you pointing out in Jesus' teachings, the morality of spreading death and destruction in the name of profits. On the contrary, Jesus opposed everything you classify as righteous and good.