what are the ramifications of Bush juxtaposed against Pope/Reagan?
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Wed Jun-09-04 01:23 AM
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what are the ramifications of Bush juxtaposed against Pope/Reagan? |
seems like both of those nonegenarians carried with them a stature and presence that the twitchy little assmunch can't quite manage.
Won't this recent trip to see the suave and worldly wise French Jaque Chirac, the graceful and enduring Pope make him look horrible in the eyse of those with capacity for rational thought?
THen....all the speeches of Reagan...his aplomb, self-depracating humor..all of it will make Bush and his evil henchmen look like such pieces of humorless and small-minded buckets of entrails that it might snap people awake.
They will awaken from their trance and consider what REAL Republicans used to be like. Although I disagreed with them on principal...I could at least converse with them openly. THese days...no way. Such an exercise is alternately frustrating and depressing.
What do you all think about the big picture here? The contrast against with these great men do not reflect favorably at all on shrub.
On top of that....after they have had their mourning period....we catch up where we left off on tracking the daily new revelations about just how lawless and unprincipled this administration has been.
I thank you for your thoughts and opinions in advance.
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