This is the title of a webpage that has just been published (I know because I'm the webmaster of the site, but not the author of it!) The page consists of letters to the editor written by Karima Vargas Bushnell, a sister who lives in Minnesota and who works with intercultural relations. It's worth a peek at are some of the introductory paragraphs:
This is an example of what, as an interculturalist, I call compartmentalized thinking and behavior: keeping different areas of life, such as work, politics, religion, friendships and so on, in separate mental compartments which never touch each other.
Now realizing the absurdity of maintaining web silence about the current situation—which I believe historians will describe as a ‘hostile takeover’ attempting to subvert the basic principles of constitutional democracy—I’m offering these letters. Only the first was published, both by Newsweek and by the St. Paul Pioneer Press. I would be very interested in your reactions to these letters, and close by urging you to do what it says on my new bumper sticker: