Don't look now, but your interest rates are about to rise (in honor of RR)
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Wed Jun-09-04 07:51 AM
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Don't look now, but your interest rates are about to rise (in honor of RR) |
Greespan is set to now to give the bankers a were caught in the trap of buying and refinancing and many who bought new homes have charged to decorate them. Well, now those attractive credit interest rates are going to disappear. Look for 19%-26% usary fees to be on your next credit card statement. According to Greenspan this will stem "inflation." Economy..."bye bye."
The Backlash Cometh
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Wed Jun-09-04 08:12 AM
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1. It had to happen sooner or later. |
Think about all those old people who live on fixed incomes who were relying on interest rates for their investments. Some of us still have depression era parents who think CDs are the way to go.
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Wed Jun-09-04 08:17 AM
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2. My rates are locked in |
But interest rates have been too low for a while.
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Wed Jun-09-04 08:32 AM
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3. Yeah I go to settlement tomorrow |
everyone is crazy trying to buy before the inevitable.
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Thu Feb 13th 2025, 08:24 AM
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