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Top Ten Things STOESSEL Should Debunk re RAYGUN Frenzy

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UTUSN Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:30 AM
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Top Ten Things STOESSEL Should Debunk re RAYGUN Frenzy
Funny how “independent thinkers” like John “Gimme a Break” STOESSEL and Bill “Lookin’Out fer You” O’REILLY have no trouble supposedly skewering the “Far Left” at turn after unrelenting turn, but can’t seem to think of ANY Wingnut targets at all.

Here’re some for STOESSEL to look into regarding the RAYGUN frenzy, or just in general:

10. Why did Charlie GIBSON slant the RAYGUN’s-face-on-money segment this morning----to the YES side, natch?

9. Is it proof of being the anti-Christ that Ahhhnuld made the sign-of-the-cross BACKWARDS at RAYGUN’s bier?

8. Did RAYGUN single-handedly collapse the Soviet Union or was there a group in the 1970s, like Patrick MOYNIHAN who saw it as coming in “the early ’80s”?

7. Was RAYGUN so near death and “scared” that he could NOT POSSIBLY have joked with Nancy and the doctors?

6. Was RAYGUN actually “smart” or “dumb as a stump…lizard” as HITCHENS says?

5. Will the 3,000 counties in the U.S. have to PAY for their monument to Ronnie?

6. Is Babs BUSH the first former First Lady to be given network air time to speak about a news event like RAYGUN’s death?

5. How many died when Poppy ditched two airplanes? Was there a disciplinary inquiry? What was the cost of Poppy’s training and the related government equipment he destroyed?

4. What was in Shrub’s record attached to his original driver’s license?

3. If CHEENEE was living in Texas, how could he qualify to run as VP with somebody from the same state?

2. If Jesse JACKSON’s business dealings are fair game, how about Jeb Crowe Shrub’s? Or just the B.F.E.E.’s in toto?

1. How many Californians ACTUALLY did the viewing, a “hundred thousand” or “17,000”?
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ochazuke Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 09:42 AM
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1. No. 9
Backwards? Like adhearants of the Eastern Orthodox church? Perhaps AHNOLD is a Rushky spy.
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