I posted this Sunday and I'm more convinced today...his death will be of little to no consequence to RoveCo. as it would have had the "Great Expectorator" bought the ranch right before the 9/11 Convention. But, no!!! Damn those Reagans!!!
Yep, the coverage is Waaaaaaaaay over the top...and I'm hearing it from people who are far from political. I just got off the phone with a person in Texas (no less) who said he was "tired of all this Reagan shit" on the TV...there was nothing else to watch. Plus look at all the dead weight the networks are bringing out...dinosaurs of a time most of us forgot.
I laughed when I heard some young Bushbot youth on a local talk show say "I didn't know anything about Raygun until just the other day". What's that tell you? The guy was a zero!!! And people are starting to see this as more political than anything else. By Friday I expect the nation will be not only Raygun'd out, but GOOP'd out.
The Boy Blunder's bounce will hinge on how he's portrayed at the funeral. And he's got bad and worse to gain out of it. At best, he gives the speech of a generation (and pigs will fly) and be called "Clintonian" (LOL)...or just not stumble over his feet and read the teleprompter without stumbling too badly...that should do. At worse, he gets snubbed by the Raygun family, or his ghoulish brood attempt to overshadow the Rayguns...and the "compassion" is noted by the few who haven't seen through this frat boy's shallow exterior.
We're seeing, yet again, another attempt to herd in the faithful by the GOOP, who aren't too sure who their friends are these days, but sure know their list of enemies keeps growing. This is as much a show of paranoia as it is "national pride".