"JUNE 8, 2004 1600 PDT (FTW) - Why did DCI George Tenet suddenly resign on June 3rd, only to be followed a day later by James Pavitt, the CIA's Deputy Director of Operations (DDO)?
The real reasons, contrary to the saturation spin being put out by major news outlets, have nothing to do with Tenet's role as taking the fall for alleged 9/11 and Iraqi intelligence "failures" before the upcoming presidential election.
Both resignations, perhaps soon to be followed by resignations from Colin Powell and his deputy Richard Armitage, are about the imminent and extremely messy demise of George W. Bush and his Neocon administration in a coup d'etat being executed by the Central Intelligence Agency. The coup, in the planning for at least two years, has apparently become an urgent priority as a number of deepening crises threaten a global meltdown.
Based upon recent developments, it appears that long-standing plans and preparations leading to indictments and impeachment of Bush, Cheney and even some senior cabinet members have been accelerated, possibly with the intent of removing or replacing the entire Bush regime prior to the Republican National Convention this August."<emphasis mine>
This is a HUGE and important study/investigation by our favorite sleuth, Michael Rupert.
http://www.fromthewilderness.com/free/ww3/060804_coup_detat.htmlIt ties together a great deal of what we see going on in our own U.S. financial markets, as well as the foreign markets.
What I really wonder is, how will the neocon (Rupert Murdoch? GE?) Press/Media handle this? Will the story about the corruption in the BFEE still remain at the "DUH?" level of American awareness that the Iran/Contra scandal was? Too confusing for Joe Six Pack and quickly forgotten?
If only we had a REAL media who could effectively educate the population on the massive criminality going on in our government, especially the global ties to mafia-like activities of the BFEE.
Of course the media won't let out the entire mess, especially as it pertains to the bush administration complicity in 9/11, and the CIA likely won't want that.
It's also interesting to see how Mike Rupert ends the piece with his non-reference/reference to Kerry.
This is GREAT reading! Read the whole thing! Enjoy!!