(Newsboy yelling ...running along the street)
People panicking in the Capitol. Overwhelmed with fear. Running like chickenshits for their lives! How fucking embarrassing! Approximately 10,000 people there to welcome the coffin of the great Ronald Reagan, and the alarm goes off. From the appearance of television reports, half of those are reporters. People run for their lives.
One would think that if they are anticipating such a large crowd, there might be a plane in the air to identify unwelcome visitors, such as Democrats or terrorists? What do we have the Homland Security for? They reported it was a VIP plane that had crossed the airspace. Probably Karl Rove?
But if this is how we still react,after more than two years, we may as well friggin' surrender. These assholes have already beaten us. Why don't we just get our duct tape and plastic rolls and all head for the basements?