Listening to the recordings confirmed a thought that the corporate mind is corrupt - profit trumps everything, and a bit more.
Enron is not unique as corporations go. Yeah Cheney was the godfather at one time, but Enron's behavior is a model for all big corporations. So what is this mentality that profits are paramount, but profits while someone suffers derives a sexual response?
The people recorded are doubly satisfied because they knew that "Millie" was suffering. Where are these callous, heartless souls trained?
It's the same response, IMO, to the people who cheer this war on. They are gratified that innocent people are dying. There is no such an animal as a Saddam sympathizer. Saddam is over, and they know it. This war is comically wrong. We continue to hear about evil Taliban (never the real enemy) and Saddam Sympathizers.
What works in the Red States to feed the blood lust is shameful. God Damn Amerika!