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Kids, this is how we (Brit-rooted) bury Presidents -- but not WHOOPING!!!

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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 06:45 PM
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Kids, this is how we (Brit-rooted) bury Presidents -- but not WHOOPING!!!
Reagan was elected and served; he gets this ceremony, this pomp and circumstance.

Applauding Nancy, okay. Applauding the flyover? Strange. WHOOPING as the casket is removed from the catafalque??? What kind of ya-hoos are in that crowd? I didn't approve of this President, but that's my Capitol, my flag, and even the Battle Hymn of my Republic. What ignorance of decorum, common sense, and decency!
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NMDemDist2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 06:46 PM
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1. yeah all the applause and whooping was a bit strange
under the circumstances IMO
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powergirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 06:53 PM
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2. Your basic wingnut lacks any sort of decorum
These are the Guns and Jesus types. They haven't figured out that this is a funeral and not a 4th of July parade. What a bunch of Morons. I agree, even though I vehmently disagree with 99% of what Reagan did, he was the president and he was elected (unlike others) so he gets the big shindig. But those wingnuts show their true colors when they are cat calling the ascension of a casket into the Rotunda. Someone out there probably has a foghorn or something.
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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 06:58 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. LOL! A foghorn, I'll betcha!
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Piperay Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 07:02 PM
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4. Very strange
to applaude, disrespectful, wonder what was with that. Yikes, I hope it wasn't the Democrats doing it, that would look so bad. :-(
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DeepModem Mom Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-09-04 07:09 PM
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5. And NOT with political speeches!!!
I missed the Stevens speech, but if it was partisan, he's also way out of bounds.
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