tonight, to DU. And to the DUers who post and ridicule, and defend, and attack, and are activists, and have very often bowed to me as well as kicked me in the behind while I bowed to them.
I finally had enough of one of my children, who does not bother to read the forwards received, and sent the one that made me flip my cork a very insulting, caustic and and totally enjoyed assessment of the forward.
The source was Newsmax. If I had sent it to Newsmax, my children might still be speaking to me, but the one who sent it to me also forwarded it to forty other people. So I replied all and am now on the family shit list.
One of the family members apparently almost had a stroke over my response, and, since I, me, actually said, bull shit (pardon the word) and offended a young one, I am now a pariah.
I am now persona non grata to three of my registered democrat children, and my one registered republican son. I am in the same position with my step-son, step daughter, ex-husband. I was already there with respect to my step-in-laws, who rejected my folksy, family letters after learning I had become a (ewwwwww) democrat.
You are now my family, and I am glad you live and I wish you well.