Edited on Sun Jun-13-04 01:05 AM by Dirk39
America IS weak, it's a kind of papertiger, not just economically but military, too, despite all the propaganda. Despite all the weapons, the Americans hopefully don't want to die for God's own country and they never wanted too.
Their military has nothing to offer but teenage computer games from above, and Lyndie England's on the ground.
Not quite the way to go to "liberate" countries. Before the illegal occupation of Iraq, Rumsfeld, Bush and their comrades were claiming, they could lead about 3 different wars at the same time, now they are on their knees regarding the mess in Iraq, begging the UN to support them.
A country like Germany - with 80 million people - is exporting the most gods in the world, while the USA has a 20% trade deficit. The dollar is under attack, too. The OPEC has already changed to the Euro as the leading currency. The only way out for the U.S. elites seems to be to attack weak and defenseless countries to provoke the world to believe in two things:
1. The unchallanged military power of the USA 2. The necessity for the western "democracies" to rely on the USA, 'cause there's an universal terrorist threat against us all
Bush and his administration aren't simply idiots. If so, they would never ever have gained their positions. Although it seems that even corporate America has enough of Bush and his comrades now, don't be naive.
"Doesn't it seem odd that the strongest power in the world is the most afraid of real or imagined enemies?"
To me it seems, the opposite is true and makes sense: Without those "imagined enemies", Northamerica would have to come aware, that it isn't the strongest power in the world and would loose about 20-30% of it's wealth from one day to the next. And this is what Bush and his gang is about. They might be idiots, but there's a bit more to it, they were usefull idiots, "elected" to do the dirty work, others didn't want to do. Now they failed.
Hello from Germany, Dirk