This comes from LBN post by UpInArms: refers to this article: the article (UpInArms has a bigger quote) there is a paragraph about Barbara fast:
Karpinski says Maj. Gen. Barbara Fast, who is Sanchez's top intelligence officer, was a major obstacle to releasing detainees. Fast, she says, served with her and a third officer on a detainee release board and vetoed recommendations to release inmates from the overcrowded facility, even after determining that they were of no intelligence value. "She did not want to release the next Osama bin Laden," Karpinski says. "She had a certain kind of paranoia." Brig. Gen. Mark Kimmitt, the top military spokesman in Iraq, denies that Fast had veto authority and says most board decisions were unanimous.
But what I am interested in (and I hope GD has night-owls who can help me) is information on Barbara Fast. Her name has appeared several times but the army has tried to hide her and any evidence of her involvement. She is the director of the school where they TRAIN THE PRIVATE CONTRACTOR INTERROGATORS (Fort Huachuca). This link has short info on her: Here is the link to the Fort Huachuca site. /
But One of the weirdest things I found is this NAZI sounding statement in their recreation activities page:
This site is provided as a public service by
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command . (Note: maybe this is normal army talk and I am becoming super-paranoiac but the Doctrine thingy seems weird to me). /
Question: is it normal for all US army facilities to offer these many amenities?????
Anyhow, any of you have info on this woman? It looks to me that she is kind of the "crux" of the matter.