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Eric Margolis' latest condemnation of Bush regime

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glarius Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 06:36 AM
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Eric Margolis' latest condemnation of Bush regime
For those of you who don't know, Eric Margolis is an American living in Toronto and writing for the Toronto Sun....He's an avowed Republican, but has opposed the Iraq war from the beginning and has written many columns harshly critical of Bush....Here's his latest....

The administration suggests its troops will be withdrawn in 2006, unless the next U.S.-engineered Iraqi regime, due to be "elected" next year, "invites" them to stay on.
Meanwhile, the Pentagon is building six, and as many as 14, permanent military bases in Iraq, while major U.S. firms are being encouraged to buy up Iraqi industrial assets on the cheap.
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JohnyCanuck Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 08:22 AM
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1. Your link was to the June 6 column. Here's the link to today's
As a former U.S. Army regular, I am outraged by the Bush administration's grave violations of the Geneva Conventions, actions sure to encourage brutal mistreatment of captured U.S. military personnel. Bush and Rumsfeld claim Taliban and al-Qaida fighters are not covered by the laws of war. But what about the 20,000 American mercenaries ("civilian contractors") now in Iraq, or non-uniformed U.S. Special Forces and CIA teams?

This scandal is the direct result of Bush's contempt for international law. No wonder he rejected the newly created international war crimes tribunal. Human rights groups are now calling for war crimes charges to be brought against members of his administration.

Behind all this is an even more disturbing message being pushed by Bush's entourage: National security is expressed through the leader's will, trumping all other concerns, justifying all actions, no matter how illegal. We have heard this sinister argument before in fascist Italy and Germany.

I'm sickened to see the nation I grew up to love, which I held to be the world's torch bearer of democracy and human rights, advocating legalized torture. I cannot imagine Ronald Reagan ever befouling his own or his nation's honour by advocating such crimes.

U.S. honour ambushed

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Spazito Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jun-13-04 08:40 AM
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2. Eric Margolis is always on point!
Both articles are well worth the read. It is unfortunate that no US paper has the guts to print his column.

Thanks for both links!
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