- I've been a liberal Democrat for thirty years. Liberals were generally well thought of until the Reagan era and the 'revolution' started by the likes of Gingrich and the 'Religious' Right. Gingrich hated liberals and Democrats so much that he actually put a handbook together with negative 'codewords' to use against them.
Language: A Key Mechanism of Control
From Gingrich's GOPAC tapes and manuals: words to use in defining Liberals and Democrats -
* abuse of power * anti- (issue): flag, family, child, jobs * betray * bizarre * bosses * bureaucracy * cheat * coercion * "compassion" is not enough * collapse(ing) * consequences * corrupt * corruption * criminal rights * crisis * cynicism * decay * deeper * destroy * destructive * devour * disgrace * endanger * excuses * failure (fail) * greed * hypocrisy * ideological * impose * incompetent * insecure * insensitive * intolerant * liberal * lie * limit(s) * machine * mandate(s) * obsolete * pathetic * patronage * permissive attitude * pessimistic * punish (poor ...) * radical * red tape * self-serving * selfish * sensationalists * shallow * shame * sick * spend(ing) * stagnation * status quo * steal * taxes * they/them * threaten * traitors * unionized * urgent (cy) * waste * welfare
- Reagan/Gingrich Republicans branded Democrats with these words throughout the 80s and 90s. Any and all opposition was labeled this way...especially anyone on the left who appeared to be gaining a large following of faithful voters.
- But a strange thing began to happen in the 90s and continues to today. A group splintered off from the Democratic party and called themselves 'New Democrats'. What was strange about it was that they joined with the Reagan/Gingrich Republicans in negative labeling of Liberals and Progressives. New Democrats called them 'out of touch' and accused them of 'living in the past' regarding matters such as 'WELFARE', 'UNIONS', PEACE and other issues and words seemingly lifted from Gingrich's list.
- New Democrats, accused Liberals of being on the 'loony left' and 'leftist fringe' when they refused to compromise and accept a (conservative) agenda that watered down the most sacred of Democratic principles and values.
- So here we are in 2004...with Liberals and Progressives being tossed aside, marginalized and demonized by both RWing Republicans and New Democrats. Liberals and Progressives haven't had a voice in government since at least the 80s and they're treated like lepers in the New Democratic Party.
- The US government...under the tutelage of RWingers and New Democrats...has become corrupt and self-serving beyond measure. Liberals and Progressives may be out of 'power'...but they're not out of hope. Our dream is to one day take our government away from those who have perverted it and give it back to the people.
- Have a wonderful Sunday.