Name the last Repugnican President or pResident (two who weren't elected) with a "vision thing" :evil grin:
Bushyboy? Sure, ask Karl which vision the Blast Fax points want you to say today. Pander, Pander, Pander.
Poppy Bush? Wouldn't be prudent. It'd upset the BFEE New World Order.
Raygun? We've beaten this dead horse here enough the past week.
Ford? Anyone remember "Whip Inflation Now"...I found one of those buttons...attached to a leisure suit.
Nixon? His visions are on display in the audio section of the national archives. Hours and hours and hours worth.
Eisenhower? Wasn't he the one who warned about this Military/Industrial Complex thing?
I'll spare Hoover, Coolidge and just go straight to Teddy Roosevelt, but we know he wasn't a real Repugnican.
Bushboy now stands as the troll on the bridge to the 21st Century!