I just love the way these folk say that Reagan 'made a lot of mistakes' during his press conferences and Bush Jr. likes them (press conferences) even less. Ho ho ho - big chuckle...
Meanwhile isn't one of the fundamental duties of a President to answer the people's questions? Don't you have to speak English somewhat to do so? Wouldn't Arnold S. make a better Prez since he speaks English better? Don't we need a Constitutional change to do this? Let's get moving, boys! While we're at it, get rid fo the 1st Amendment but keep the Fifth...it might be needed excessively in the next few weeks.
On a lighter note, they made a little P.S. about the Tampa Bay paper running the wrong editorial about the fact that the team lost (sic) the Stanley Cup - and what a funny mistake that is. ho ho ho - big chuckle.
Meanwhile, the press should look at all of its ridiculous articles about WMD and other troubling (As you Sce'y of State Mr. Powell puts it) 'mistakes'.
Where I come from, they're known as LIES.